Saturday, September 12, 2015

Little Si

Country Girl, being the thoughtful woman that she is, suggested that we hit Little Si on a recent morning.  It's a popular trail and we'd both done it previously.  While not as challenging as either of us recalled, was still a fun bit of fitness and we picked a gorgeous day to go.   Another wonderful suggestion by my gorgeous girl. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lake Wenatchee Camping '15

The whole fam took it to the woods for a camping trip on Lake Wenatchee.  Sunny, bright skies with pleasantly toasty temps during the day and comfortably cool at night.  Very happy to report that nary a mozzie was sighted though each morning brought issues with bees during breakfast.  Annoying but not too bad.

Kyra's first camping experience was initially traumatic (as most first experiences are for her) and she seemed to warm up to things towards the end.  With a limitless supply of sticks to chew on and chipmunks to eyeball, K Dubs was like a pig in slop.  City Boy was very concerned with a lack of awesome camp food because of the campfire ban.  Silly of him to doubt to abilities of Country Girl however.  Her camp food game was, of course, trump tight.

Top Loin, Mac and Cheese, Sautéed Kale and Sphagetti Squash

Oh, what's that you said?  Wondering if we're still cooking up marvelous feasts on the regular here on the Ranch?  Bet your sweet ass we sure are.