Saturday, July 7, 2012

Atlantic Crossing - Roosevelt

After a delicious dinner at India Bistro in Roosevelt,Country Girl and I headed across the street to check out Atlantic Crossing.  Before I get to the Atlantic Crossing experience, I want to mention that it was actually our second stop after leaving India Bistro.

We first went to Teddy's Tavern and it was a short stay.  Poor selection of beers and an interesting in a bad way crowd made it easy to promptly leave.  They did advertise having both the MLB and NHL packages so may be worth stopping by for a game, though I didn't notice how many tvs they have.

As for Atlantic Crossing, it appears at first blush to be a run of the mill Irish bar with Guinness and Baileys adverts everywhere.  I then noticed several soccer jerseys hanging on the walls, most of which appeared to be English club teams.  I mentioned to Country Girl how improbable I thought it would be for an Irish bar to represent so hard for the hated British and we concluded it must be a rarely seen British bar.

Another thing that immediately stood out was how busy the place was.  Though it was a Tuesday night, it was the night before the 4th of July and people were out in droves taking advantage of having the next day off.  The person in charge of scheduling appears not to have taken this into account, however, as there was only one server/bartender and one cook.  Accordingly, the wait time was pretty significant to get service.

The beer selection was good enough and about what you'd expect from an Irish (British?) bar.  They did have an imperial stout on tap which we both found noteworthy but given the staff situation, we didn't ask for a taste.  As they have Bass on tap (strangely, a rarity it currently seems), we both had a Black and Tan.

The atmosphere was pleasant enough.  They have a pool table and a couple of dart boards as well as a patio.  The crowd was largely nondescript which was a good thing after the Teddy's experience.

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